Lebanon, CT
"If you haven't checked out the Clecall Upright Cleco Pliers from Aircraft Spruce and Specialty, your really should. Mine just arrived and they are amazing. They were invented by an EAA member and are perfect. Also made in the USA. Made of aluminum and they stand at a 90 degree angle from the work.....work so much easier. I love them."
As of 9/23, The Clecall Company and Aircraft Spruce and Specialty have entered into an exclusive marketing and distribution agreement for the Clecall Upright Cleco Pliers! We are very excited as this will give Clecal much greater capacity and efficiency in manufacturing, marketing, order fulfillment, and customer service. Clecall and Aircraft Spruce plan on rolling out 2 additional products so far, in addition to the basic Clecall pliers already on the market. Www.clecall.com The World's Lightest and Most Comfortable Cleco Pliers!tm Clecall cleco pliers were ordered from all over the globe during our first week. Despite a backorder almost immediately, thousands of customers ordered the Upright Cleco Pliers! We appreciate the interest and feel certain that yo hippie enjoy them immensely. Thank you to the countless aviation media outlets that ran our content and the thousands of Facebook users that helped propel our mesage globally! Www.clecall.com The World's Lightest and Most Comfortable Cleco Pliers!tm Clecall Cleco Pliers received the first official article in aviation media at:
Worldwide sales in its opening weekend! The World's Lightest and Most Comfortable Cleco Pliers!9/15/2014
The World's Lightest and Most Comfortable Cleco Plier has sold to over 600 customers worldwide in its opening weekend! It's like the movie Titanic! Please stop by facebook at facebook.com/clecallclecopliers and submit a post with your favorite color for anodization. If we choose your color as the long term choice in the next 2 weeks, you will receive a free set of pliers! 70 percent lighter, spring loaded, and really a beautiful tool to look at. Check it out at www.clecall.com and take advantage of the 33% discount during the launch! New vs old! |
April 2015
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